
04 | The Fall

The fall is the language we use to describe the rebellion of human beings against their Maker. How does the Bible describe this tragic event and the horrible if effects it has had? What exactly is sin and how did it enter the universe?

03 | God’s Purpose in Creation

The Bible teaches that God has a specific purpose for which he created the universe and human beings. So why did God embark upon the work of creation? Why do we exist? What are we and who are we as human beings?

02 | What and Who is God?

The very idea of a supreme being, an omnipotent God, boggles our finite human minds. And yet our curiosity is unstoppable. We can't help but wonder if God exists, and if God does exist what kind of being are we talking about?

01 | What is the Bible About?

When we say that the Bible is the inspired word of God, what exactly do we mean? Was it dictated by God? And what is the overall message of the Bible, the grand themes in its narrative, the underlying point it’s trying to make? These are the questions explored in this episode of Table Talk.

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